
The website is published by the company KRYPTULIP, a French simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifée) with a share capital of 1.000,00 euros, registered in the French Trade and Companies Register of TOULOUSE, and whose registered office is located at 6, impasse Michel Labrousse, 31100 Toulouse, France.

Where they relate to natural persons, the following data are personal data:Surname, first name, pseudonym, date of birth, photos, sound recordings of voices, fixed or mobile telephone number, postal address, email address, etc…


Chief Editor: Mr Christophe Cornuéjols, Founder

KRYPTULIP website hosting

DDO Organisation - 125bis chemin de Sang de Serp - 31200 Toulouse - France Tel.: 0 825 724 900 (0.15 euros a minute)

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